Getting started with Oracle SOA Cloud Service Final Part 3: Configure Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance

In the Final post of this series, we will explore how to Configure Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance.

We will be using the configuration details of Oracle Storage Container and Oracle Database Service Instance, created in part1 and part2.

Follow the below steps to Configure Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance:

1. Login to My Service Cloud Account.
2. Click on the Menu -> Oracle SOA Cloud Service
3. Click on Create Instance button

4. Oracle SOA cloud provide multiple options to create the SOA instance i.e. whether we just need Service Bus Instance/SOA instance/Service Bus + SOA Instances etc.

For this demo, I selected Service Bus + SOA Instance, click Next

5. Select the version i.e 12.1.3 or 12.2.1
As I am working on 12.1.3, I selected 12.1.3 version. and click Next.

6. Next, we need to enter Instance Details
Instance Configuration:
Enter the Instance Name,
Cluster Size
Compute Size i.e. 1 or more manage servers
Weblogic Administrator:
Enter weblogic user/password
Database Configuration:
Name: Select the Database Cloud Service that we created in part 2
Enter the SYS user
Load Balancer:
Provision Load Balancer: YES (If you want to select have a load balancer Instance)
Load Balancer Policy: Least Connection Count
Compute Size:
Storage Container Configuration:
Storage Container Name:
Storage User Name:

7. Review All the details and click on Create button.

8. It takes around 30 mins to create the SOA instance.

9. Once created you can click on action button to access weblogic console/em console/Soa Composer/worklist/service bus etc

Thus, we covered the steps to Provision the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance.

As you can see from the post, it is quite easy to create the SOA instance as compare to the traditional on-premise instances.
We no longer need the activities like Licensing, setting up VM, network configurations, database maintenance, and server maintenance.

Oracle Cloud also provide the mechanism to configure the client VPN, by which the services deployed on SOA Cloud can access in-house services.

In further posts, we will cover how to use Cloud SOA instances implementing interfaces.

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